Safety Design


        Automation system makes our lives more comfortable. Which allows designers can create new ideas in home decor to beautiful design that comes convenience. But many times we overlook the safety of use. The focus on aesthetics excessive. Therefore, you should define the concept design for the designer to understand the design principles of safe use.

         Position switch: It should be in position to clearly see the door up and down to prevent accidents. If you need to install a switch away from the door. Should position switch near the surveillance cameras for see the work of the door open - closed.

        Switch system: The system has 2 modes (Auto and Semi-Auto). The first thing to understanding is the responsibility of the user at any level such home ownership, staff security, a store employee and general factory workers. The accidents are often caused by factory workers using auto switches. Most of these usage behavior the press switch and walk out the door immediately. Without attention to the prevention of accidents. Therefore should use a semi-automatic switch. To user these surveillance while working of roller shutters at all times.

        Sensor system:This system is ideal for areas risk points Such roller shutters, swing windows, garage doors and home with young children.The sensor will stop the roller shutters if there is any obstacle (roller shutters will not exposed to the object).

        Bird's Nest in the roller shutter box: The problem is solved difficult. Because it can not control the residence of birds. So the best method of prevention is to avoid creating the residents of birds, which is roller shutters box. By can solve two ways is. 1. Avoid using the roller shutters box. 2. Choose roller shutters box for protected bird nesting.

        The standard security system of the motor: Motor for roller shutter have various types with different specifications but looks very similar. Which thing is that the various security systems inside the motor such The mass of metal quality, Flexible Joint system, Safety Lock, Master Limit and so on. Which these systems help to prevent accidents can be effective.